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BigStudBen commented at 2015-01-26 02:16:58 » #1676856
Yeah, I know, I've watched GoldenEye. Her name was Xenia Onatopp, played by Famke Janssen.
Able to kill a grown man between her own thighs (no joke), Onatopp continued the tradition of innuendo-laden Bond girl names with style. Janssen epitomised the ultimate femme fatale as a Dutch henchwoman who gains sexual pleasure from killing men.
Her gruesome end – in which she is crushed to death by a safety harness – is summed up perfectly by Bond (played by Pierce Brosnan) who quips, “she always did enjoy a good squeeze”.
13 Points
Yeah, I know, I've watched GoldenEye. Her name was Xenia Onatopp, played by Famke Janssen.
Able to kill a grown man between her own thighs (no joke), Onatopp continued the tradition of innuendo-laden Bond girl names with style. Janssen epitomised the ultimate femme fatale as a Dutch henchwoman who gains sexual pleasure from killing men.
Her gruesome end – in which she is crushed to death by a safety harness – is summed up perfectly by Bond (played by Pierce Brosnan) who quips, “she always did enjoy a good squeeze”.
leatherhead93 commented at 2015-01-26 05:49:27 » #1676941
@Anon 1
Given that the series is chalk full of mindless fanservice I doubt that the writers actually cared about the psychological aspects of such an event lol. They pretty much drop this quirk of hers after this particular episode as she kills many other dragons and doesn't really care. I do love how folks seem to like justifying a lot of stuff in this show even though the series is well aware of how stupid/illogical it is xP.
11 Points
@Anon 1
Given that the series is chalk full of mindless fanservice I doubt that the writers actually cared about the psychological aspects of such an event lol. They pretty much drop this quirk of hers after this particular episode as she kills many other dragons and doesn't really care. I do love how folks seem to like justifying a lot of stuff in this show even though the series is well aware of how stupid/illogical it is xP.
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-26 10:22:15 » #1677007
Two things to consider there.
1: Some months pass between this episode and the next couple of episodes. It isn't just a couple of days.
2: She's got used to it by now and after that and the first time she killed a DRAGON, she's never really gotten so close in killing them.
She also gets physically ill and almost throws up several times at seeing masses of burned bodies. I wouldn't call that mindless fanservice. At all. That's actually a pretty normal reaction.
You do have a point about the show being full of mindless fanservice, but it also has some serious moments too.
9 Points
Two things to consider there.
1: Some months pass between this episode and the next couple of episodes. It isn't just a couple of days.
2: She's got used to it by now and after that and the first time she killed a DRAGON, she's never really gotten so close in killing them.
She also gets physically ill and almost throws up several times at seeing masses of burned bodies. I wouldn't call that mindless fanservice. At all. That's actually a pretty normal reaction.
You do have a point about the show being full of mindless fanservice, but it also has some serious moments too.
leatherhead93 commented at 2015-01-26 11:42:48 » #1677034
@Anon 2
She got aroused the first time she killed a dragon in her mech. Then the arousal from combat was dropped only for it to randomly show up in this particular scene. Then it never comes up again. If it was a legitimate part of her mindset don't you think it would be......I don't know consistent?
Generally speaking the anime skips large chunks of Ange's development. I mean one episode she's pissing herself at the mere sight of a dragon. The next has her depicted as some hardcore badass who is an instant pro at killing them and having no qualms doing things like walking around practically naked. Sure maybe she got used to the arousal over the months of her growth we NEVER saw but even so I don't really see it as an important part of her character since the anime picks it up whenever it wants.
I know folks who like the show for it's over the top ridiculous nature. That's totally fine. But I don't it as being much more than that. Even the serious moments are handled pretty sloppily and I could list the amount of problems I have with it's world in generally. However I'll just leave it as a show I don't particularly care for.
3 Points
@Anon 2
She got aroused the first time she killed a dragon in her mech. Then the arousal from combat was dropped only for it to randomly show up in this particular scene. Then it never comes up again. If it was a legitimate part of her mindset don't you think it would be......I don't know consistent?
Generally speaking the anime skips large chunks of Ange's development. I mean one episode she's pissing herself at the mere sight of a dragon. The next has her depicted as some hardcore badass who is an instant pro at killing them and having no qualms doing things like walking around practically naked. Sure maybe she got used to the arousal over the months of her growth we NEVER saw but even so I don't really see it as an important part of her character since the anime picks it up whenever it wants.
I know folks who like the show for it's over the top ridiculous nature. That's totally fine. But I don't it as being much more than that. Even the serious moments are handled pretty sloppily and I could list the amount of problems I have with it's world in generally. However I'll just leave it as a show I don't particularly care for.
leatherhead93 commented at 2015-01-26 21:58:44 » #1677271
Sooooo what about the other times she was scarred for her life? She was in at least three other life or death scenarios that I can remember it didn't happen so yes it is random and it's in place simply for fanservice sake. If it had some kind of context it would be more excusable. Like if her character questioned why she felt that way or if the anime delved deeper into her mind about the issue. Since it doesn't I really don't see why it's something I should care about. I mean shit, this is a world where a man can magically land in her crotch just about every time they meet, many of the bigger exposition dumps are told in the bath for "reasons", characters wear revealing clothing with no type of decent armor in battle and the whole "only women get this disease" is just a ploy for them to shove in b movie women's prison yuri for kicks.
Honestly it's so easy to tell this anime doesn't care about this stuff LOL.
3 Points
Sooooo what about the other times she was scarred for her life? She was in at least three other life or death scenarios that I can remember it didn't happen so yes it is random and it's in place simply for fanservice sake. If it had some kind of context it would be more excusable. Like if her character questioned why she felt that way or if the anime delved deeper into her mind about the issue. Since it doesn't I really don't see why it's something I should care about. I mean shit, this is a world where a man can magically land in her crotch just about every time they meet, many of the bigger exposition dumps are told in the bath for "reasons", characters wear revealing clothing with no type of decent armor in battle and the whole "only women get this disease" is just a ploy for them to shove in b movie women's prison yuri for kicks.
Honestly it's so easy to tell this anime doesn't care about this stuff LOL.
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