Views: 13963
Submissions: 1
Favs: 47

Photographer | Registered: Nov 26, 2015 10:50
Heyo! My name is Chris, and am birb.
angrygabry06 is my soulmate πππ and
dogonkid is our threesome bf~
I used to be BlueyTheSecurityBear, and I'm technically the same guy, but I'm my persona now. And since it's not possible to change your username yet... I'll still be Bluey in name for probably a long time XD
On a different note.... P L E A S E don't thank me for watches or faves. I know you are most likely grateful or want to be respectful, and its really no problem, but I would really just rather have any future shouts I get be something of more substance (no offense), like requests to chat and stuff like that. Thank you!

I used to be BlueyTheSecurityBear, and I'm technically the same guy, but I'm my persona now. And since it's not possible to change your username yet... I'll still be Bluey in name for probably a long time XD
On a different note.... P L E A S E don't thank me for watches or faves. I know you are most likely grateful or want to be respectful, and its really no problem, but I would really just rather have any future shouts I get be something of more substance (no offense), like requests to chat and stuff like that. Thank you!
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Comments Made: 2354
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Happy 4th!
6 years ago
Happy 4th of July everyone! \OWO/
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"It was an itch I had to scratch!" -Me
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